1 Year!

1 Year!

1 year ago I decided to embark on a challenge with some family and friends called ‘75 Hard’. 75 days of committing to various things like 2x 45 minute workouts a day Reading for 10 minutes a day No cheat meals – pick a diet Drinks 4 litres of water Take a...

Counselling Hawkesbury – Amanda Flowers

Welcome Amanda Flowers to Michelle Fitzgerald Psychotherapy and Counselling  2022 has been an exciting year for Michelle Fitzgerald Psychotherapy and Counselling, with our Windsor clinic expanding and welcoming a new practitioner – Amanda Flowers.  Amanda...


My answer to this question is ‘why not?’   There is much stigma around seeing a therapist whether it’s what I practice – Psychotherapy and Counselling (yes there is a difference) or a psychologist, social worker, youth counsellor, mindfulness coach or the...

Anxiety and Stress

There is much discussion about anxiety and stress today, the severity and prevalence, the target groups and even the validity or actual existence. Everyone occasionally experiences some anxiety. It is a normal response to a stressful event or perceived...

Narrative Therapy

Narrative Therapy is a method of therapy that attempts to separate the person from the problem. It is used as a form of community work and counseling and encourages people to rely on their own skill sets to minimize the problems that exist in their everyday lives. It...